Ironically, the reason I haven't blogged in "The Xaintrie Blog" since January is because I've gone Facebook, Twitter then 'Posterous' new blog (for our Art group here) since then. It's time I consolidated all this verbal thrashing about...
Facebook I dislike - messy interface, only good for checking up on activities of other family members and friends who use it but I don't join in very often.
I'm a fan of Twitter though. I like its simplicity and the fact that one can find a group of tweeters who have similar interests to your own, then 'follow' them. More often than not, they will start to follow you and as long as you don't let the list become too long (I follow around 35 artists - nearly all of them follow me) then you can keep up with their tweets. Web links can be inserted in the short texts (tweets are only 140 characters long) and a twin site called 'Twitpic' can allow you to publish a picture. No more complexity necessary. I have added one or two others to follow out of curiosity, and mostly 'unfollowed' them pretty quickly therafter as there is a lot rubbish out there. One enduring outsider for me however is Stephen Fry - always entertaining and full of fascinating outside web-references.
Posterous is now my favourite for actually creating the blogs, simply because all you have to do is write an email. As soon as you send it to them via your Posterous postbox, they manage the whole thing and it appears as a blog within minutes. I'm doing this right now, writing this email which will be published immediately I finish - to the Xaintrie Blog and to "Michaels Posterous" ( I've set it to automatically write a Twitter entry also. I write separate emails to our artgroup blog which is called 'The CA3 Newsblog' (
Xaintrie news: Winter seems to have ended at last. I'm no longer lighting the fire after breakfast - last year this event took place a couple of weeks earlier. This year the cold was not too intense but lasted much longer than previous years. No rain to speak of though.
The fishing season started last week but I've resisted a cold wade into our lovely Maronne thus far. The fishing experts tell us the trout are still dozing on the river bed as the water is still too cold. I dipped a thermometer into it last week and registered 6 degrees C. Since then the weather has become very warm and spring is twittering everywhere (pun might have been intended - not sure).
We've decided to grow some veg this year so I've cut a chink out of the lawn (only around 4 square metres at the moment) which will become a raised 'potager'. A friend nearby says he has a pile of good soil we can have so that's the next task.
Sun is shining, temperature's rising. I'm off - outside to get some...
Michael Durant