The schedule should run like this:
Drive to Limoges airport tomorrow, Wednesday to pick-up Roz and Bob who have come all the way from California via the UK. Dinner at the Fouillade in the evening with Chris and Sophie added to the ensemble.
Lunch on Thursday with the 'Entre Deux' crowd, plus Roz, Bob, Nadine and Michel - that makes Fourteen of us. Special occasion, Fleur's birthday on Sunday but we'll be in Italy by then so not all friends here will be able to attend, hence early celebration.
Friday morning, we're off to Italy to Lake Maggiore with Roz, Bob, Nadine, Michel, Fleur and Marina in two cars, to visit Roz's brother and family via the alpine pass alongside Mont Blanc - the 'Little St Bernard' (height 2,188 metres). I'm keeping an eye on the webcams up there at La Rosiére, a ski resort just below the pass on the French side) but there shouldn't be a problem at this time of year.
Another celebration, Italian style, on Sunday, then the two Californians leave for Venice while the rest of us head for Siena where we have an apartment reserved for the rest of the week, thanks to a friend of Marina.

The return journey is planned (for me, Fleur, Nadine, Michel and Marina) to be via the Mediterranean route with a night or two at St Rémy de Provence, a watering hole we've visited several times before. We should find our way home after that.
Not a bad schedule for October. Well, you only live once and winter is-a -comin', in more ways than one, if the current financial crisis is anything to go by.
Later blogs - hope to show how it all turned out.....
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