Friday, April 16, 2010

Been Busy! - J'ai été très occupé

This acrylic panel took much longer than usual because it presented several problems - how to show a mass of trees receding into the distance without making the greens too boring.  In fact, my ususal technique of short brush-strokes, merging colours where necessary, turned out to be the best way here. It took a long time because there was so much of it.
The perspective and impression of distance problem solved itself because the subject of a river flowing towards the viewer meant that I didn't have to convey very much aerial perspective.

J'avait passé beaucoup plus temps que d'habitude parce qu'il présentait plusieurs problèmes - comment afficher une masse d'arbres fuyant à la distance sans les verts trop ennuyeux. En outre, il n'etait pas necessaire de lutter avec "aerial perspective." parce que le sujet a resolu ce probleme soi même, mais il y avait un tas des arbres!...






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